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INDUMO Inc. - The Customer

The Customer is the most important person ever in this office.

The customer is not dependent upon you – you are dependent upon them.

The customer is not an interruption of your work – they are the purpose of it. You are not doing them a favor by serving them – they are doing you a favor by giving you the opportunity to do so.

The customer is not a rank outsider to your business – they are part of it.

The customer is not a cold statistic – they are a flesh-and-blood human being with feelings and emotions like your own, with prejudices and biases – even though they may have a deficiency of certain “vitamins” which you think are important.

The customer is not someone to argue with or match wits against – nobody ever won an argument with a customer even though they may have thought they did.

The customer is a person who brings us their wants. If we have sufficient imagination we will endeavor to handle them profitably to both the customer and to ourselves.